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Although, thankfully, a lot of lumps are actually harmless and benign, it is impossible to tell exactly what sort of lump your individual pet has just by looking at it...
Nicotine in cigarettes poses a serious threat to dogs and cats. The nicotine content in e-cigarettes is just as concerning but many owners don’t realise this...
Putting your pet on a year-round preventative healthcare schedule is one of the best things you can do to make sure they stay healthy and happy throughout his or her life...
One of the most common problems we come across in vet practice is Allergic Skin Disease in Dogs. Read on to find the common causes and symptoms of allergies...
Advancing age is not a disease; ageing is a very natural process. Although many complex physical changes accompany advancing years, age in and of itself is not a disease...
As dogs get older, many owners know that they are bound to suffer from a few aches and pains, and become less active and mobile, or generally lose their ‘spark’...