Showing 114 results for ""
Dear old “Lucy" was approaching her fourteenth year. She had always been a very sprightly Border collie, typical of her breed, bright, alert, and sharp and "too clever for...
Ticks rank second only to mosquitoes in causing infectious disease spread to both pets and people. In recent research people and pets are more likely to...
If you’re planning a holiday abroad with your pet, whether a dog, cat or ferret (!) and you have never travelled abroad before, you do need a Pet Passport...
Rabbits are fairly hardy animals; however extreme heat can cause them stress. In high summer temperatures rabbits can quickly overheat and heatstroke can be fatal...
As it is 35 years this month since I graduated and started working as a general practitioner in Vet practice, I thought that it would be fitting to commemorate this milestone...
Blue-Green Algae is a term used to describe a group of bacteria, called cyanobacteria. They are not actually algae, they got this name because they often...
Regular Vet checks, allow us to establish a benchmark for your pet’s health, so that any problems can be diagnosed and treated quickly. Read more health tips below...
It is now law and compulsory for all dogs by eight weeks' old to be Microchipped and identified. If your dog is not already microchipped, please arrange this soon...
Crown Vets are delighted to hold an informative client evening about parasites and the importance of good, regular protection. We will be discuss a selection of topics...
Every year there are reports of dogs literally being "cooked" alive after being left in vehicles in hot weather. This dreadful and sad situation can be avoided...
Make sure you are a responsible pet owner and do help protect your pets and keep them safe from disease by keeping them up to date with their annual "Booster" vaccinations...
Dogs are dependent on their owners to keep them healthy. There are a number of things that you can do to ensure that you do this for them from puppyhood onwards...